Social Distance Meets Loves Persistence
by Aberjhani
Social Distance Meets Loves Persistence
Mixed Media - Silk-featherbrush Painting
The social restrictions employed as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic has clearly caused a lot of distress in many communities. Millions have suffered the brunt of the economic fall-out. Crowds have taken to the streets to peacefully protest the strategy of social distance, claiming it may be worse than the coronavirus itself, while others continue to advocate mitigation until more testing has been done and/or a vaccine has been developed.
What people on both sides of this argument believe they are expressing is love for life, their democratic freedoms, and each other. Who is more in the right of wrong when it comes to the best strategy for defeating COVID-19 is really something that cannot be answered without more definitive conclusive data.
In the meantime, “Social Distance Meets Love’s Persistence” is a visual reminder that Love and struggles for healing and justice have often gone hand in hand. History usually awards victory to those who hold on to love no matter what.
Harlem Renaissance Centennial
April 20th, 2020