Love Letter To the Earth and Life Itself Number 3
by Aberjhani
Love Letter To the Earth and Life Itself Number 3
Mixed Media - Fine Art Mixed Media Painting
“Love Letter to the Earth and Life Itself Number 3” is one of the last images created specifically for inclusion in my current artbook project, a blend of visual fine art and literary texts. This artwork also happens to be my 200th post milestone on Fine Art America, which is a big deal to me because the creation of art (my own and that of others past and present who inspire me) has always been an important part of my survival strategy.
This mixed media composition combines several styles and effects. They range from the colorful polychromatic impressionism and surrealism which make up the lower landscape and the globe representing a blossoming green, red, pink, blue, magenta, and olive Earth, to the black and white expressionism suggestive of stars and wings in the background. The approach seemed right to me for this particular canvas, and for the two visual “Love Letters” reserved for publication in the artbook, because the different techniques (including my own Silk-Featherbrush Artstyle) hopefully reflect some of the amazing complexity we live with in the modern world.
The title was inspired by the worldwide Letters to the Earth Project, which launched in 2019 to encourage support of policies and practices designed to reverse catastrophic climate change caused by humanity’s activities. At this point, we know the climate crisis is very real because things like giant melting glaciers and entire towns wiped out by raging fires that burn for months refuse to be ignored. But that doesn’t mean beauty no longer exists in our extraordinary world because it does.
For recent art exhibit news please go to:
Encyclopedia of the Harlem Renaissance
Songs from the Black Skylark zPed Music Player
December 8th, 2021
Comments (29)
Aberjhani's Official Postered Chromatic Poetics
Thank you so much Constance. We really have got to do a better job of taking care of our home planet.
Aberjhani's Official Postered Chromatic Poetics
Thank you very much Bernadette for checking out "Love Letter To the Earth and Life Itself Number 3." The series is part of my small contribution to international efforts to encourage steps to reverse climate change.
Bernadette Krupa
Aberjhani's, amazing artwork "Love Letter To the Earth and Life Itself Number 3"! Congrats on Feature - Beauty in Art!! L/F
Dr Debra Stewart's Gallery
Wonderful mixed media and artistry!!! Love the depth and space to explore! -Tweet!
Aberjhani's Official Postered Chromatic Poetics
Thank you Adrienne. Very glad you enjoyed "Love Letter To the Earth and Life Itself Number 3."
Aberjhani's Official Postered Chromatic Poetics
Thank you very much Georgia. I appreciate your visits and comments.
Tejsweena Krishan
This is a very stunning piece of faithful art that is surely developing the heartfelt language to soul-touched with the innocence writing love letter to Earth like written by Lion (visible to me in image). Like of him approaching to earth to cuddle him with hers warmness of pure to never leave hi ever again alone! I must say the centre of attraction is totally is so visible Happy Earth receiving such loving love letter! Happy New Year my friend! :)
Aberjhani replied:
Thank you so much Tejsweena for shared insights. I hope you are enjoying a great New Year 2022 also.
Aberjhani's Official Postered Chromatic Poetics
Thanks tremendously Sarah. Very glad you enjoyed "Love Letter To the Earth and Life Itself Number 3."
Aberjhani's Official Postered Chromatic Poetics
Thank you Tejsweena for your very moving response to “Love Letter to the Earth and Life Itself Number 3.” Always appreciate your thoughtful insights and enjoy spending time viewing your fantastic art as well.
Tejsweena Krishan
This is such a very prepossessing creation as per spreading the life in peace everywhere like of Earth blooming as flower of love over grass to never be reaching out of oxygen and to go dense like of Evergreen forest to be able providing the structure of globe if passes the test to be loyal a only royal to Mother-Earth in all aspects from every multidimensional directions forming the structure to spread a line going bilinear to it's multiple as per essential growth to cut out the waste like of pollution as tumor anywhere in globe! This creation to me specifically conveys that we have no where to run from Earth and it is wise in that case taking care of hers than of Life giving up on Life! Such marvelous creation this is my friend distributing awareness to stay happy with saving what do we need than of any kind of pretend! Love this dear Aberjhani! :)
Aberjhani's Official Postered Chromatic Poetics
Tremendous thanks to the BEAUTY IN ART Group for featuring "Love Letter To the Earth and Life Itself Number 3." I wanted to produce something in acknowledgement of an issue impacting people around the world so greatly appreciate your recognition of this artwork.
Aberjhani's Official Postered Chromatic Poetics
Very glad you like "Love Letter To the Earth and Life Itself Number 3" Rainbow Artist Orlando L. Working on it was an amazing experience.
Rainbow Artist Orlando L
The contrast of colours and the creative visuals are very outstanding in this awesome artwork Aberjhani!! sensational work of art!! L/F
Carol Japp
Another magnificent piece from your wonderful imagination. I love your vision Aberjhani! l/f
Angeles M Pomata
Stunning artwork, Aberjhani!! The composition, the use of light, and the softness of this piece are exquisite. L/F
Aberjhani replied:
I appreciate that very much Angeles. This is one of those pieces I had to work on a little at a time for more than a year and then one day it all came together.