Unofficial Cultural Arts Liaison of Savannah
by Aberjhani
Unofficial Cultural Arts Liaison of Savannah
Mixed Media - Painting + Mixed Media + Photography
“Unofficial Cultural Arts Liaison of Savannah” was inspired by a well-known patron of the arts in Savannah, Georgia (USA). In addition to posing for this mixed-media painting at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, this highly-regarded model also granted me permission to include it with works presented in support of the “Ike Carter Passion Supreme Music Heritage Project.” (Please see collection titled Savannah Music Heritage Project at: )
Eventually, this artwork will become part of the art book edition of my new paperback titled These Black and Blue Red Zone Days (ISBN 979-8-218-17561-0).
What I hoped to capture with this artwork was 2 things. For one, I wanted to honor the subject for her devotion to the support and promotion of creative artists in various fields: painters, photographers, musicians, dancers, writers, etc. Secondly, I hoped to document how some survivors of the pandemic were not only resilient when it came battling the coronavirus. Many actually did so with amazing grace and style.
Harlem Renaissance Centennial
May 28th, 2023
Comments (12)
Aberjhani's Official Postered Chromatic Poetics
Thank you Laurie. I'm very much indebted to the beautiful model for this image who indulged my request to photograph her.
Laurie's Intuitive
Wonderful tribute to those who supported the arts and battled this pandemic with grace and style! Beautiful creativity, sentiment and rendering, Aberjhani! So touching to acknowledge those who withstood so much! Great work!
Aberjhani's Official Postered Chromatic Poetics
Thank you Antonis. Appreciate you dropping by to check out "Unofficial Cultural Arts Liaison of Savannah."
Aberjhani's Official Postered Chromatic Poetics
My deepest gratitude to the YOUR VERY BEST PHOTOGRAPHY Group for featuring "Unofficial Cultural Arts Liaison of Savannah." Greatly appreciate the honor and support for this project.
Aberjhani's Official Postered Chromatic Poetics
So glad you enjoyed checking out "Unofficial Cultural Arts Liaison of Savannah" Angeles. Thank you very much.
Angeles M Pomata
Extraordinary presentation, contrast, and light in this expressive and gorgeous piece, Aberjhani!! L/F
Aberjhani's Official Postered Chromatic Poetics
Tremendously grateful to the INTENT OF THE ARTIST GROUP for featuring "Unofficial Cultural Arts Liaison of Savannah." Your support of this work goes a long way towards helping sustain the Savannah Music Heritage Project with Ike Carter. Thank you very much.
Aberjhani's Official Postered Chromatic Poetics
Thank you very much VIVA. The Music Heritage Project is indeed an important one and I'm very grateful that the model for "Unofficial Cultural Arts Liaison of Savannah" chose to support it. As have you with your visit & wonderful encouraging comment.
VIVA Anderson
Black and Blue Zone Days !! Fab Book title, and this is really exciting ART wonderfully 'mixed' with the Music Heritage Project.. images. You're a 'STAR' , my Friend. Thank You for sharing !!! Here's to YOU, here's to the SURVIVORS ! GREAT ART !! fav,kudos,regards, TYTY,........VIVA
Tawana Davis
very cool i love it
Aberjhani replied:
Thank you for the visit and very kind words Tawana. Enjoying exploring your amazing art gallery as well.