Portrait of the Poet as an Angel Drunk on Love
by Aberjhani
Portrait of the Poet as an Angel Drunk on Love
Mixed Media - Mixed Media Digital Art
Fans of the great Irish novelist James Joyce will probably recognize immediately the allusion of this piece's title to the author's classic novel: Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. They would be right about that particular influence. The work itself, however, is actually an homage to the multidimensional visual narratives created by the American artists Luther E. Vann and Romare Beardon. It is unveiled at this time as part of observations commemorating the 10th anniversary of the publication of the art and poetry book, Elemental, The Power of Illuminated Love; and the 100th anniversary of the Harlem Renaissance.
The most accurate description of the medium employed might be mixed media combined with digital media. The process of composition took 10 years (2008-2018). It included the construction of an original physical collage, original photography, and the creation of specific digital elements.
©May 2018
May 7th, 2018
Comments (10)
Aberjhani's Official Postered Chromatic Poetics
Thank you very much Aziza for checking out "Portrait of the Poet as an Angel Drunk on Love. Glad you enjoyed it.
Angeles M Pomata
This is a gorgeous creation, Aberjhani!! Love how you've composed a really rich scene with amazing colors, movement, and lighting. L/F
Aberjhani replied:
Thank you so much Angeles. I appreciate you stopping by to check out "Portrait of the Poet as an Angel Drunk on Love.
Geraldine Scull
Great colors, treatment and abstract textured image, beautifully presented and composed ! l/f