For the 500 Thousand Fallen and Those Who Loved Them
by Aberjhani
For the 500 Thousand Fallen and Those Who Loved Them
Digital Art - Silk-featherbrush Artstyle Mixed Media Painting
“I saw a sunrise take my brother into its arms
and spread his colors across the sky, burning like butterflies
from one end of the wailing horizon to the other.”
--from poem “Sunrise Elegy” (published in I Made My Boy Out of Poetry)
This artwork was developed specifically to post as an introductory cover to the “For the 500 Thousand Fallen and Those Who Love Them Collection” here at Fine Art America presented to commemorate the half million lives lost in the U.S. and the more than 2.5 million lost worldwide, to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The polychromatic palette used is meant to evoke the different color-zone classifications indicating levels of risk for contracting COVID-19 in various regions. Some of us in some places have had to remain more aware of such risks than others. Green is a good hue to be associated with because it indicates a low risk and trends going in a favorable direction. The Yellow Zone signals a medium risk and reason to be cautious, taking us to the Orange Zone, which means a serious moderate-high risk prompting reasons to reduce public interactions as much as possible. Shades of red indicate a region is in the danger zone where the disease is rapidly spreading. Health officials along with government administrators in red zones usually encourage staying home as much as possible.
Those above colors in the context of this artwork combine to celebrate not fear but perseverance in the face of the coronavirus pandemic threat. Some have adopted the color of light blue flowing horizontally through the middle of this image as symbolic of “the new normal.” Here, it is also a personal nod to my book, The River of Winged Dreams, in which individuals confront adversity with resilience and adaptability.
In addition to the work seen here, the canvases included in the “For the 500 Thousand Fallen and Those Who Love Them Collection” are:
1. Wreath of Grace and Honor
2. Palace of Psalms and Gold
3. Made It Home Again
Creator of Silk-Featherbrush Artstyle
Survivor (Thus Far) of COVID-19 Red Zone & Orange Zone
Co-Author of Encyclopedia of the Harlem Renaissance
Author of Greeting Flannery O’Connor at the Back Door of My Mind
February 21st, 2021
Comments (7)
Aberjhani's Official Postered Chromatic Poetics
Thank you very much Dr. Stewart for checking out "For the 500 Thousand Fallen and Those Who Loved Them." Hard to believe the number cited for this work has now more than double and pandemic continues to spread pain and suffering around the world. But with vaccines and greater awareness, more people now have a better chance at surviving and moving on with their lives.
Dr Debra Stewart's Gallery
Wonderful tribute and compassionate care for all nations who endured the pandemic!!! -Tweet!
Aberjhani's Official Postered Chromatic Poetics
Thank you very much VIVA for your support of the "For the 500 Thousand Fallen and Those Who Loved Them" series and, moreover, for your own very considerable body of awareness-raising works. I appreciate you greatly.
VIVA Anderson
Aberjhani, Congratulations on this beautiful, meaningful, heartfelt new Series, “For the 500Thousand Fallen and Those Who Loved Them”..👏🙏. Each image is wonderful Testimony to those gone but not Forgotten, and to YOUR powerful Artworks, as a memorial that they did not fall in vain.! I have Favourited them All, to keep the Series together, and link to this one, for those countless souls now in mourning. to know! The purpose of each will then be best understood. Your Descriptions must be read! I wish you continued Safety from this scourge! And, Thank you so very much for all you take to Heart, from your soul, to bring peace and understanding to the World! Thank you, for your Love, of all humankind, linked forever historically now by this tragedy, AND your Dedication! KUDOS,my Friend. I am so proud to know you, VIVA