Dancing Girl Dani Busting Her Groove
by Aberjhani
Dancing Girl Dani Busting Her Groove
Mixed Media - Silk-featherbrush Painting
"Dancing Girl Dani Busting Her Groove" is the fifth addition to the online Silk-Featherbrush Collection. It also my playful celebration of a cultural instinct which has survived in diverse forms across geopolitical boundaries: that of dance.
In an era as burdened with stress and external sensory overload as our modern times, I am grateful that dance--from that performed for glamorous stage productions and the whirling dervishes of the centuries-old Mevlevi Order to children at birthday gatheriings and club-going hipster Millennials and Gen-Z--continues to express and inspire simple enjoyments of life itself.
The flash of colors moving from cool blues to blazing yellows and white in this image are meant to symbolize Dancer Dani's movements from meditative cool to what disco-ero Baby Boomers used to describe as "burning up the dance floor." Stylistically, this image is closer in execution to "Rhapsody in the Key of Joy and Mystery," the first online Silk-Featherbrush canvas, than its immediate predecessors. It represents a good example of the upper intermediate range of the Silk-Featherbrush technique.
November 2018
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November 21st, 2018
Comments (8)
Aberjhani's Official Postered Chromatic Poetics
Glad you like it Ben. I always think bout the people who inspired this and it makes me smile.
Aberjhani's Official Postered Chromatic Poetics
Much gratitude also to the ARTS FANTASTIC WORLD Group for featuring Dancing Girl Dani Busting Her Groove. And of course to those boogeying young folks who inspired it.